
The Programme in 2024

Day 1: Conference

Conference Programme

 FROM 9-15


Moderator, Katharina Moser welcomes everyone, and official opening by the Mayor of Stavanger, Sissel Knutsen Hegdal


It may sound impossible – so, how do we do it? Let the best ones in class enlighten you and make you brave!

Breaking out of climate despair: How do I take action?

The climate scene is known as depressing: Ice is melting, forest fires wreak havoc,

and the temperatures keep rising. Can we still take climate action?

Anders Holst Bodin, CEO of the Climate Academy


Changing design, designing change

If cities are responsible for over 70% of global CO2 emissions, cities are the most responsible for actions. Can urban development be genuinely sustainable, let alone regenerative, within the current limits? 

Finn Williams, City Architect, City of Malmö


Personal commitment, corporate impact: The role of leadership in achieving sustainability goals
Leading change is challenging. Join us for a conversation with three experienced leaders from diverse perspectives on what it takes to effectively lead in the green transition. The conversation will be moderated by Katharina Moser.

Bjørn Arve Ofstad Group CEO, NG Group
Sheva Rostam, Engagement Manager, Implement Consulting group
Sunniva Bratt Slette, Portfolio Manager, Storebrand Smart Cities



We have a common challenge, and we need to find smart, sustainable solutions. How do we interact and co-create to succeed?


Enough "innovation washing"

Are too many companies jumping on the "innovation" bandwagon without the genuine will or ability to put it into action?

Tobias Studer Andersson, Innovation Director & Head of Sopra Steria Scale up Scandinavia aims to shed light on the preconditions that must be in place for "innovation" to become a real driving force for achieving organizations' overarching goals of growth, sustainability, and efficiency.

Tobias Studer Andersson, Innovation Director & Head of Sopra Steria Scale up Scandinavia


How the EU sets speed and direction

The development of smart and sustainable cities is a top priority for the EU. What opportunities can this create for businesses, academia, and municipalities to actively participate in the EU's several programme's?

Anders Eide, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the EU



What are the key criteria for a «Genuine Green Growth», and why do cities need it?

What exactly are systemic innovations and how do they contribute to urban value-cycles and material flows?

Stoknes will explore 'the triangular system' and how barriers between citizens, corporations and city governance, such as status-quo bias, can be overcome in dealing with the transition to sustainable and regenerative economies.

Per Espen Stoknes, Psychologist with PhD in Economics


What future should we prepare for?

In the midst of the talks about sustainability, we forget that sustaining the status quo is not enough. In order to make a lasting change, we need to move past ‘sustainable’ and towards ‘regenerative’. Future urban spaces are structures that will shape future societies and mirror the ambitions of the current. We decide what images they will reflect.

Daria Krivonos, CEO of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies


It’s all about walking the talk. Nordic Edge Expo has become a launch pad for action.


What does the green transition mean for cities?

112 European cities across Europe are selected to act as experimentation and innovation hubs to put all European cities in a position to become climate neutral by 2050. The cities are invited to develop Climate City Contracts (CCC), which include an overall plan for climate neutrality across all sectors together with related investment plans.


In this session we meet 4 cities that has signed their CCC in dialogue with Stavanger that will land their CCC this year sharing challenges and learnings.

Moderated by: Anna Huttunen, Climate Neutral Cities Advisor @NetZeroCities



Why the key to fixing everything is all of us!

The best tool to avoid an accelerating climate crisis is our actions and ability to solve problems together. For too long we have taken our democracy for granted and our ability to ensure co-ownership to a better future has become weak.

Johan Galster, Partner, We Do Democracy


Reduction Roadmap,
Mobilizing the Danish building industry

The Reduction Roadmap, a science-based initiative, translates the Paris Agreement and the Planetary Boundary for Climate Change into industry-specific reduction targets for the Danish building sector. Nearly 600 industry organizations and institutions have
co-signed the Roadmap's plea to politicians, urging alignment of building legislation with the Paris Agreement.

Dani Hill-Hansen, Sustainable Design Engineer & Architect, EFFEKT


Easy peasy mobility from Stavanger

All aboard the sustainability express: public transport fuels cleaner, smoother city mobility. Learn how the PTA (Public Transport Authority) Kolumbus focus on user friendly solutions and award winning mobility services”.

Siri Hamre von Krogh, Manager Digital Product Development, Kolumbus


Sustainability is the public sector's business

As the EU's Green Shift triggers a surge of sustainability innovations in the private sector, the public sector remains largely untouched by such demands and innovations. This presentation explores what the public sector can learn from private enterprises' sustainable transformations and how it can integrate these lessons to prioritize sustainability in its own operations.

Sveinung Jørgensen and Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen, Leaders of the Centre for Sustainable Business, NHH Norwegian School of Economics

The moderator

Katharina Moser

Katharina Moser is a moderator and event experience designer who believes in authentic human connection as a catalyst for positive transformation. She has designed and moderated around 350 events, always focusing on creating meaningful connection. In 2022 she joined the global leadership team of the Inner Development Goals, curating, designing and hosting their annual summit. 
She worked for the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the British Council, and the European Forum Alpbach before founding the creative agency MOSAIK in 2015, developing several projects on the topic of European cohesion. (one of them was awarded the State Prize on Europe). She is a founding member of Alliance4Europe and a member of the BMW Responsible Leaders Network.
Further information & references:

Day 1: Exhibition

In addition to the conference there was a carefully selected set of companies showcasing their product, solution or project in the foyer. They got the chance to connect with relevant people and exchange meaningful conversations about the part they could play in shaping a greener tomorrow.

Day 1: Side events

To add a little sprinkle on top and wrap in the gathering there was a number of different side events to choose from throughout the event.
From hiking to Preikestolen, joining a morning run looking at the most significant architecture in Stavanger, participating at the vorspiel hosted by DOGA discussing the development of sustainable local communities to being part of a tour of Innoasis - Norway's hub for urban innovation.
There was something for every taste!

Day 1: Nordic Fund Day

Nordic Fund Day started with a vision to build a plattform where innovative start-ups form the Nordics and forward-thinking investors from all over Europe could get together for a whole lot of fun and funding.
When arranging Nordic Fund Day for the seventh time during Nordic Edge Expo, over 70 start-ups, over 100 investors and 300MNOK had been made in investments at previous events. After the run through of the 12 start-ups presenting this time and hearing the buzz of the conversations happening in the room, we are hopeful these numbers will increase even further in near future.

Day 1: Afterparty

To end day one in the only right way possible we gathered everyone for a afterparty at Fiskepiren with drinks and a few surprises.

Day 2: Workshops

Day two of the event consisted of twenty different workshops to choose from for the participants. Ranging from testbeds in urban context, how to enter programme for international expansion, mobility in climate-neutral cities, discussions about what's making a place great, talking to the mayor of Kherson in Ukraine about turning adversity into opportunity to discussing if digitalisation can in fact create smarter and more sustainable ports. And that's just a small part of all the important topics that were covered throughout the day. The key component to all the workshops was interaction and creating spaces for meaningful conversations – not just listening to someone and then leave.


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